Winter 2019

“Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it. Brethren, pray for us.” 

1Thessalonians 5:24-25

Hello from the cold north!    

It was -40 this morning with a wind chill of -55!  We’ve had 4 days so far this year that have been over 0 F.  The new heater in our office is working okay in this extreme cold weather. We have our office all organized, and it is great for our mission to be all in one building.

The new data program to keep track of our students is almost ready to use. Tim has been working hard to get it setup for us, and it is much appreciated. There are a couple of things that have to get done to be able to use it.

We had a large amount of lessons in our stock that we were not sure what to do with. Praise God we have found someone to buy them from us. What a blessing! There were over 20,000 lessons. God is good.

Please keep praying for our mission. The price of mailing our lessons has gone up again this year. The cheapest stamp is now 90 cents and they go up to $3.12 to mail to the bigger families. We have some fundraisers coming up in March and April, where the money donated will be used for postage and expenses that we have for our new office. It cost $4000.00 to put heat and shelves in the office building. We are praying that we can take care of these extra expenses this year.

Joe & Penny Homontowski