July-September 2018

 1Thessalonians 5:24-25 “Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it. Brethren, pray for us.”

July-Sept 2018 

Dear Praying Friends, 

Our second annual Singspiration on April 20th went very well. The singing glorified God and each group was a blessing to the many people who were able to attend. All donations taken in that night went to the Mailbox Club! There was $3,500 donated that night and in subsequent days following! 

We are writing the newsletter a little earlier this quarter, because we are headed off to the States on June 29th, and we wanted to get the news out to you before we left. Please pray for us as we travel until July 24th. We will be visiting two of our supporting churches the first weekend. Following those visits, Joe and the Gospel Echoes Trio will be working on recording a CD for several days. During the second week away, we will check in at Source of Light headquarters in Madison, GA and visit another supporting church while there. During the third week, we will spend time with extended family at a Homontowski family reunion and have an opportunity to spend a couple days at the Creation Museum and the Ark with two of our sons and their families! Thanks to our friends who helped us out with tickets! We appreciate it so much! 

Please pray about an opportunity to buy a house north of the city of Saskatoon with a building to house the Source of Light Ministries office. Our current house has been on the market since June 7th and the realtors have shown it 8 times so far this month. Please join us as we are praying for the sale of our house. If it sells then we know God wants us to move into the new house, otherwise we will be content to stay here inside the city. 

Please keep praying for our Mailbox Club students as they do lessons each week. In the months of April through June this far we have graded 660 lessons, 113 of those were emailed answers. There were 41 certificates sent to those who finished courses. There were 48 new students added to the club in the last three months and two students made a profession of faith in the month of May. Praise the Lord! 

Thank you again for your prayers. 

Serving God in Canada, 

Joe & Penny 

Eagle flying free in the Saskatchewan sky above Cowan Lake May 2018