Fall 2020

“Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it. Brethren, pray for us.” 

1 Thessalonians 5:24-25

Hello from Source of Light, 

Our crop of canola was a great success this year! This was the first year that we could not host any fundraisers like our annual Singspiration. Though this was a disappointment and worry for us, God showed us a unique fundraising solution: we could pursue a willing farmer to donate a harvest to our ministry! God worked out everything. This past spring, we were permitted to use 60 acres of land and planted canola on it. We will pay for the seed out of the harvest profits and were able to raise the funds to pay for the fertilizer. It was harvested in September. Originally, the farmer estimated that we could expect fifty bushels an acre and a price of $10.00 a bushel. God multiplied the results! The harvest was fifty-five bushels an acre, which sold for $11.20 a bushel! Praise God for his abundant blessings on our ministry! The total amount raised for our ministry was over $30,000.00 

The lessons mailed back to us for this quarter have been rising significantly. In the month of September alone, we graded 277 lessons and mailed out 313 lessons and there were 4 salvations! God has been really blessing our ministry through this rough year. He is in total control of everything we do here in Canada. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!! 

In His service

Joe and Penny